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Welcome to Twerbville!

I'm Tom the Farmer, I sow the seeds, to grow the vegetables and the animal feeds.

“I’m Tom the Farmer, I sow the seeds to grow the vegetables and the animal feeds”.




Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Farmer Tom and I’m one of the Twerbs here in Twerbly Green, take a look around, meet some of the other Twerbs and learn what we are all about.

The Twerbs of Twerbly Green are a community of people and animals who need children’s help to make sense of the world around them. Originally developed as a teaching resource for young and special needs children today the Twerbs are looking for a wider audience to benefit from helping them.

  • Twerbly Sheep making words

    Vowels are us!

  • Terrible and Trig have found their treasure!

    Terrible and Trig have found their treasure!

  • "On Wednesday we pick the veg, pick the veg, pick the veg"!

    “On Wednesday we pick the veg, pick the veg, pick the veg”!

Twerbs need children – children love Twerbs!Terrible Twerb